Digital Monster ver.20th (Digimon 20th Anniversary Edition)

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New color, Pre-order >>> DIGITAL MONSTER VER.20TH NEW COLOR 3 OF SET


デジヴァイス Ver.15th メタルガルルモンカラー


Everything started from here ... Legendary mobile LCD toys finally resurrected 

As a product that launched the 20th anniversary year of the Digimon series, the portable breeding game "Digital Monster", which was released in June 1997 and sold more than 8 million copies in total, celebrated the 20th anniversary of Digimon, "Original Brown" Original gray "appeared in two colors.

Among the palm-sized main body that can be carried, "Digital Monster" that can train Digimon that grows with real-time, leaves Digimon's fun as it is, "Digimon Appears" "Training & Evolution" "Communication & Battle & WEB interlocking "and so on, it was born properly as ver. 20th. 

CR2032 × 1 piece used (attached) * The set batteries are for testing.

  • Product size: W58mmxH41mmxD15mm
  • Material: ABS, PC, Synthetic rubber

USD $85.1 Digital Monster ver.20th(Original Brown + Original Gray) SET >>>Discounted for both<<<

USD $42.3 (Original Brown)

USD $42.3 (Original Gray)