ThreeAFigures from Frederator Studios' popular animated web series!
Bravest Warriors is an animated web series created by Frederator Studios of 'Adventure Time' fame. The series is set in the year 3085, and follows four teenage heroes-for-hire as they warp through the universe to save adorable aliens and their worlds using the power of their emotions. Frederator's unique humour and style keeping things interesting all the way along.
Beth Tezuka is the only female member of the Bravest Warriors. She is tough, smart and easily the most competent member of the team. She has feelings for the team leader Chris, but is too hesitant to ever admit them. Although she has a energetic and fun-loving personality, it also seems that she holds a rather dark secret...
This figure of Beth Tezuka is 1/6th scale standing approximately 26.4cm in height. The animated series design of the character has been accurately converted into a figure, and makes use of a soft material skin to cover up the seams on figure allowing for a seamless body. The arms and legs are fitted with wires that allows for various different scenes from the series to be recreated with the figure.
- Brand: ThreeA
- Product size: Tall 264mm / 10.39"inch
- Meterial: Painted ABS, PVC & POM 1/6th scale articulated figure (Clothes made from fabric)